Academic agency:
Academic agency is a sense of academic purpose, being a product of academic self-efficacy and academic confidence, which is then the major influence on academic accomplishment
(Zimmerman, 1995)
Zimmerman, B.J., 1995, Self-efficacy and educational development. In: Bandura, A., Self-efficacy in changing societies, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. [Read more about this paper on my StudyBlog]
What is this project about?
- As a PhD researcher I am trying to find out more about the study and learning preferences of students in Higher Education because in my professional role as a learning development tutor, I am a strong advocate of celebrating diversity in learning.
- I want to find out how some learning differences such as dyslexia and other learning diversities or challenges impact on students' academic agency

However, this research is pitched at everyone at university, so please read on ...
- By exploring attitudes to study amongst the complete student community at university, I am hoping that the data analysis results will show that a re-think in the provision and delivery of university learning is long overdue for making it easier to access and more adaptable to individual learning preferences.
You can view the project information statement and the participant informed consent form below and before proceeding to the questionnaire you will be able to confirm that you have looked at these documents.
- Participant Information Statement:


Your contribution to the project is very important and is a voice that will be listened to. The time you spend completing the questionnaire will make a real difference to the quality of the data and the outcome of the research. Thank you for taking part.
Andrew Dykes, PhD Researcher, Middlesex University