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questionnairePhD Project Research QNR
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This questionnaire is exploring characteristics of your study processes at university.

studentI'm trying to gain a sense of how confident you are about tackling academic tasks, to explore your learning strengths, challenges and preferences and to gauge your judgment about the impact these have on your academic progress.

The QNR data generates a profile of your study processes. By comparing the study profiles of many different students I hope to identify ways to make learning at university more accessible and student-focused, especially for students with learning differences such as dyslexia or with other learning challenges such as ADHD.

In each of the main sections of the questionnaire you provide your answer by moving a slider along a scale to indicate your opinion or judgement about a statement or question. The result is displayed as a percentage, either above the slider or in a box at the end of the slider track depending on which web browser you are using.

The questionnaire should take you about 15-20 minutes to complete - please try to finish it as the data that you will be providing has huge research value.

The questionnaire starts now:

Open the panel to start this section:click
personal data
To start this enquiry, a few very brief questions about you:
Your gender:
If you have had any specific learning challenges that you know about please indicate them here:
link to learning challenges
Your student residency category:
Your student status:
Thank you for your answers; Please open the panel below to start the next section: down arrow
Open the panel to start this section:click
confidence The first section of 24 questions is asking you to think about how confident you are in various aspects of studying at university:
How confident are you that you will be able to...
0% = not confident at all <-> 50% = undecided or neutral <-> 100% = very confident
... study effectively on your own in independent or private study
% confident
... produce your best work under examination conditions
% confident
... respond to questions asked by a lecturer in front of a full lecture theatre
% confident
... manage your workload to meet coursework deadlines
% confident
... give a presentation to a small group of fellow students
% confident
... attend most taught sessions
% confident
... attain good grades in your work
% confident
... engage in profitable academic debate with your peers
% confident
... ask lecturers questions about the material they are teaching, in a one-to-one setting
% confident
... ask lecturers questions about the material they are teaching, during a lecture
% confident
... understand the material outlined and discussed with you by lecturers
% confident
... follow themes and debates in lectures
% confident
... prepare thoroughly for tutorials
% confident
... read the recommended background material
% confident
... produce coursework at the required standard
% confident
... write in an appropriate academic style
% confident
... ask for help if you don't understand something
% confident
... be on time for lectures
% confident
... make the most of the opportunity of studying for a degree at university
% confident
... pass assessments at the first attempt
% confident
... plan appropriate revision schedules
% confident
... remain adequately motivated throughout
% confident
... produce your best work in coursework assignments
% confident
... attend tutorials
% confident

Thank you for your answers; Open the panel below to start the next section: down arrow

Academic Behavioural Confidence Scale: Source: Sander, P., 2009, Current developments in measuring academic behavioural confidence, Psychology Teaching Review, 15(1), 32-44
Open the panel to start this section:click
what are your strengths Everyone has learning strengths - perhaps creativity is one of yours; challenges - dyslexia for example; and preferences - maybe listening rather than reading. So this next section of 36 statements is asking you to reflect on your profile of strengths, challenges and preferences and judge how they impact on your academic progress and achievement:
To what extent do you agree or disagree with these statements ..
0% = strongly disagree <-> 50% = undecided or neutral <-> 100% = strongly agree
I am able to settle down to my work anytime, anyplace
% agreement
I feel too embarrassed to ask for help with my studies
% agreement
I feel guilty about my learning challenges
% agreement
I think my student-peers mostly regard my learning challenges as excuses, for laziness for example
% agreement
I don't use any of the learning support services because it makes me feel different
% agreement
I don't think about my learning challenges much
% agreement
I find it quite difficult to concentrate on my work most of the time
% agreement
I don't think my learning challenges make me any more anxious than anyone else
% agreement
I use my learning strengths to help me with study strategies
% agreement
I need to work much harder than my friends to get similar grades
% agreement
I often feel frustrated when trying to study
% agreement
I enjoy my studies even more when the work becomes difficult
% agreement
I believe that my learning strengths really make a difference to my academic progress
% agreement
I plan and organize my work carefully which I believe helps me to get good grades
% agreement
I don't think my learning challenges make any difference to the way I tackle my work
% agreement
I approach my written work with a high expectation of success
% agreement
I believe my learning strengths help me to be more creative or innovative
% agreement
I can manage my studies quite adequately without any help
% agreement
I often felt pretty stupid at school
% agreement
If I try hard, I can achieve just as much as anyone else
% agreement
I think I'm good at studying, perhaps even academically talented sometimes
% agreement
I approach my written work with enthusiasm
% agreement
At times, I think that I'm just hopeless at tackling academic work
% agreement
My contributions in class are usually rubbish, so generally I don't bother
% agreement
When I start a new course or topic I usually think it will be too difficult for me
% agreement
I've had help for dealing with my learning challenges but it hasn't made any difference
% agreement
I'm generally not surprised when I get a low grade
% agreement
I will always be held back by my learning challenges
% agreement
I think that my grades are as much to do with luck as with any effort on my part
% agreement
However hard I try, this rarely makes a difference to my grades
% agreement
I usually finish my essays or assignments well in time for the deadline
% agreement
I generally put off getting started on my essays or assignments until I really have to
% agreement
For one reason or another, I often have to request extra time to complete my work
% agreement
As soon as I'm given an essay or assignment title, I'm usually eager to get going on it straight away
% agreement
My essays or assignments would probably be better if I didn't have to rush to finish them
% agreement
I often find other things to do rather than working on my studies
% agreement

Thank you for your answers; Open the panel below to start the next section: down arrow

Open the panel to start this section:click
historyThe final section of 20 statements is asking you to reflect on other aspects of approaches to your studying or your learning history - perhaps related to difficulties you may have had at school - and also asks about your time management and organizational skills more generally:
To what extent do you agree or disagree with these statements ...
0% = strongly disagree <-> 50% = undecided or neutral <-> 100% = strongly agree
When I was learning to read at school, I often felt I was slower than others in my class
% agreement %
My spelling is generally very good
% agreement %
I find it very challenging to manage my time efficiently
% agreement %
I can explain things to people much more easily verbally than in my writing
% agreement %
I think I'm a highly organized learner
% agreement %
In my writing I frequently use the wrong word for my intended meaning
% agreement %
I generally remember appointments and arrive on time
% agreement %
When I'm reading, I sometimes read the same line again or miss out a line altogether
% agreement %
I have difficulty putting my writing ideas into a sensible order
% agreement %
In my writing at school, I often mixed up similar letters like 'b' and 'd' or 'p' and 'q'
% agreement %
When I'm planning my work I use diagrams or mindmaps rather than lists or bullet points
% agreement %
I'm hopeless at remembering things like telephone numbers
% agreement %
I find following directions to get to places quite straightforward
% agreement %
I prefer looking at the 'big picture' rather than focusing on the details
% agreement %
My friends say I often think in unusual or creative ways to solve problems
% agreement %
I find it really challenging to make sense of a list of instructions
% agreement %
I get my 'lefts' and 'rights' easily mixed up
% agreement %
My tutors often tell me that my essays or assignments are confusing to read
% agreement %
I get in a muddle when I'm searching for learning resources or information
% agreement %
I get really anxious if I'm asked to read 'out loud'
% agreement %

Thank you for your answers; Open the panel below to start the next section: down arrow

Open the panel to start this section:click
listening Lastly, if you would like to tell me anything else about your learning challenges or strengths, or any other aspects about how you approach your studies at university you can use the space in this section. I am particularly interested in hearing about ways that studying at university could be improved for you.
Write as much as you like, or you can leave this area blank if you have nothing more to add:

thank you

Thank you for the time you have taken to complete this questionnaire. The data that your answers provide will make an invaluable contribution to the project.

When you SEND YOUR ANSWERS this will be received anonymously and this page will be replaced by a Questionnaire Acknowledgement which displays a summary of your answers, confirms that the data has been received, displays a unique QNR reference number and explains how to enter the PRIZE DRAW for a 'thank you' reward for the time you've taken to complete the questionnaire.

If you later decide that you want to withdraw your contribution you can request this by using your QNR reference number and by following the instructions provided.

If you want to review your answers before sending them please do so now, otherwise click the button to finish the questionnaire: