overviewPhD Presentation NOTES #7
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[A list of references is provided in ~Notes #20]
Dyslexia is a consequence of natural human neurodiversity

  • An alternative viewpoint about the nature of dyslexia is represented by a significant body of researchers who take a strong position based on the notion of 'neuro-diversity'.

  • The BRIAN.HE project (2005), now being revised but with many web resources still active and available, hailed learning differences as a natural consequence of human diversity.

  • Pollak's considerable contribution to this thesis about dyslexia, both through the establishment of BRIAN.HE and notably drawn together in a collection of significant papers (Pollak, 2009), expounds the idea that dyslexia, is amongst so-called 'conditions' on a spectrum of neuro-diversity which includes, for example, ADHD and Asperger's Syndrome.

  • Particularly this view supports the argument that individuals with atypical brain 'wiring' are merely at a different place on this spectrum in relation to those others who are supposedly more 'neurotypical'.

  • The greater point here mustn't be missed: elegantly put a little earlier by Cooper (2006), drawing on the social-interactive model of Herrington & Hunter-Carch (2001), is the idea that we are all neurodiverse and that it remains society's intolerance to differences that conceptualizes 'neurotypical' as in the majority.

  • This may be particularly apparent in learning contexts where delivering the curriculum through a largely inflexible, literacy-based system discriminates against particular presentations of neurodiversity (eg: Cooper, 2009).