overviewPhD Presentation NOTES #20
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[A list of references is provided in ~Notes #20]
Presentation summary and references

  • Theories of developmental dyslexia still differ quite widely, especially in the interpretation of causes for the variety and range of characteristics that can be presented.

  • Students at university present a range of learning and study profiles and characteristics, many of which might be considered as being aligned with the dimensions of a dyslexic learning profile.

  • Academic Behavioural Confidence is focused on actions and plans that are specific to progressing in academic study, and is a sub-construct of academic self-efficacy although has distinct attributes.

  • Although not widespread (yet), research evidence that does exist shows that academic behavioural confidence is negatively correlated with dyslexia.

  • This research project developed a new metric: Dyslexia Index, for gauging a respondent's level of dyslexia, and used it to find a small subgroup of students with an unreported, dyslexia-like learning and study profile.

  • Analysis of data collected appears to suggest that:
    • students with identified dyslexia present a statistically significantly lower level of ABC than their non-dyslexic peers;
    • students with an unreported dyslexia-like profile present a statistically higher level of ABC than their dyslexia-identified peers.


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