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Dyslexia is very challenging to define, especially in university contexts. The conventional viewpoint of dyslexia is that it is primarily associated with literacy skills, notably in learning to read in early years, although this may be only one aspect of dyslexia. More enlightened learning consultants and researchers consider dyslexia to be a learning difference that encompasses a profile of learning strengths, preferences and challenges.

At university, many of the strengths associated with a dyslexic profile emerge as positive benefits and quite often the literacy-related challenges may have a reduced impact because effective learning strategies to deal with them may have been well-developed in recent learning. It is quite common, however, for students nearing the end of their course to find that previously unnoticed dyslexic learning characteristics begin to have more of an impact as the demands of final-year study increase towards graduation.

The questionnaire profiler below gauges the extent to which study preferences and approaches might indicate a dyslexia-like learning profile, and it also includes a small measure of learning-challenge history as supporting evidence.

The profiler is not identifying dyslexia, but the outcome may be indicating a learning profile that is similar to a typically dyslexic one seen in many university students.

The profiler consists of 16 statements of learning, learning-history or study-preference characteristics, and to register a value the slider in each statement box is moved to indicate a level of agreement with each of the statements. The outcome is displayed as a percentage, either above the slider or in a box at the end of the slider track depending on which web browser is being used. The profiler works best in Google-Chrome and Firefox web-browsers.

When all statements have registered a value, the Dyslexia Profile Index (Dx) is calculated - a value between 0 and 1000 - which can be viewed at the foot of the questionnaire together with with some brief information about what the Dx value may be indicating on the basis of the evidence collected and analysed through this research project. In due course and as a development, there will be a link to a more detailed summary of the results and what they mean.
There is also a link to a portfolio of study strategies and learning development tools and resources which may be useful, and an invitation to explore this PhD research project which is all about dyslexia and academic confidence at university.

The profiler starts now:

To what extent do you agree or disagree with these statements ...
0% = strongly disagree <-> 50% = undecided or neutral <-> 100% = strongly agree
When I was learning to read at school, I often felt I was slower than others in my class
% agreement %
My spelling is generally very good
% agreement %
I can explain things to people much more easily verbally than in my writing
% agreement %
In my writing I frequently use the wrong word for my intended meaning
% agreement %
When I'm reading, I sometimes read the same line again or miss out a line altogether
% agreement %
I have difficulty putting my writing ideas into a sensible order
% agreement %
In my writing at school, I often mixed up similar letters like 'b' and 'd' or 'p' and 'q'
% agreement %
When I'm planning my work I use diagrams or mindmaps rather than lists or bullet points
% agreement %
I'm hopeless at remembering things like telephone numbers
% agreement %
I prefer looking at the 'big picture' rather than focusing on the details
% agreement %
My friends say I often think in unusual or creative ways to solve problems
% agreement %
I find it really challenging to make sense of a list of instructions
% agreement %
I get my 'lefts' and 'rights' easily mixed up
% agreement %
My tutors often tell me that my essays or assignments are confusing to read
% agreement %
I get in a muddle when I'm searching for learning resources or information
% agreement %
I get really anxious if I'm asked to read 'out loud'
% agreement %

View the Dyslexia Index (Dx) outcome HERE

This research project has shown that a Dx value of less than 400 indicates a profile that is unlikely to be aligned with dyslexia, at least dyslexia as most commonly defined. This Dx outcome means that the study preferences, challenges and styles of learning indicated show that the existing format of university teaching and learning is unlikely to present learning challenges and difficulties that contribute to under-achievement or reduced learning effectiveness. That is not to say that this learner won't find university challenging - it is supposed to be!
However it is indicating that this learner is not likely to be significantly adversly affected by the literacy-based system of curriculum delivery that is the 'norm' for most taught subjects at university.

Conversely, a Dx value of more than 600 is indicating elements of 'dyslexia-ness' and presents a profile that this research has shown is common among learners with a dyslexic learning difference studying at university. This does NOT necessarily indicate dyslexia as this profiler is NOT a standardized dyslexia screener! However it is indicating that this learner may find that the conventional form of university teaching and curriculum delivery is not very compatible with their learning strengths and study preferences, which is surprisingly common. To accommodate this and to get the most out of studying at university at the moment, these learners may find that it helps to make good use of the many learning strategies typically suggested by professional learning development tutors or academic guides at university, usually located in university libraries or study skills centres and often freely available for all students to consult.

In the meantime, it is of note that there are a wide range of academic and learning development aids available to support study at university for all students - some of the best ones are collected together HERE.

If you would like to find out more about the research project that underpins this Dyslexia Index Profiler, use the navigation icons at the top to explore the project webpages, the StudyBlog, and the PhD thesis that has been the outcome of the research.

Or if you would like to have another go at the profiler, refresh the page in your web browser to reset all the sliders to their starting values.